How To Speed Up Your Car Accident Settlement Claim?

Filing a car accident insurance claim and maximizing the possibility of increasing the claim amount demands various considerations. Hiring the best auto accident attorney in Carmichael is often highlighted as a critical step. Additionally, one more consideration that can increase the settlement value of your car accident claim is seeking prompt medical attention for injuries related to the accident.

Understanding A Car Accident Settlement Claim

If you have faced a car accident, you have the legal right to get compensation if the fault is on the other side. However, the worry is how long it takes to settle the car accident claim. If it goes beyond the expected timeline, you are more likely to have annoying medical bills and losses. Typically, looking into the auto accident law, a car accident settlement claim can occur within nine to 18 months. But, this is an estimated timeline. The exact duration for settlement can vary based on many factors. Since each case is different, it is not possible to predict the duration of a settlement. However, what lies within your hand is to speed up the process.

In general, accident settlement is a legally binding solution that involves parties such as the victim, the other person, the company, and the insurance company or a potentially liable person for the injury and losses.

Your compensation can be derived based on the particular state law, on which side is the fault and how severe are the injuries or losses. A settlement is often considered a simple and quick approach to resolving the claim rather than going for a lawsuit. Still, you must make sure to get a fair settlement and make the possible efforts to expedite the procedures. In most cases, hiring a car accident attorney makes the process easier and effective.

Car Accident Settlement Timeline

There is a common question among the car accident victims. How long does it take for a settlement in a car accident case? To be honest, there is no average time prescribed for a car accident settlement. Depending on the case, the estimated time to resolve the settlement can vary. It can take a timeline between a couple of weeks to several months or even years in some cases.

Those car accidents involving major and life-altering injuries are expected to take longer to settle compared to those victims who get a quick diagnosis and return to work after just a few days. Typically, with complex car accident cases, the time required to attain a settlement may be longer.

Factors that can delay the settlement process

Let us look into some of the most important factors that can affect the settlement process duration.

  1. The severity of the injury

The nature of injuries can greatly affect the time to settle the claim. The more severe the injury, the easier it is to file a complaint against the at-fault driver and get a significant compensation amount.

  • Legal issues

Circumstances that have led to car accident cases can affect the duration it takes to settle.

3. Liability

Establishing liability and demonstrating negligence is important. Finding out the liability probably can make the settlement process to longer periods.

4. Recovery time

If the victim is in treatment and it appears to take a bit longer to recover from the injuries, you can’t calculate the medical bills. This can delay the settlement process.

5. Amount of Damages

On determining the losses, your car accident attorney will figure out the cost of losses. The higher the settlement amount, the longer the time it takes to settle it.

Ways To Speed Up The Car Accident Claim Process

Contact insurance company immediately

As soon as you contact the insurance company, the easier it will be to answer the necessary enquiries about the claim. It is good if you call from the scene of the accident.

Avoid filing mistakes

One of the methods that the best motor vehicle accident lawyers typically use to speed the settlement is to avoid mistakes that delay the settlement process. Mistakes can force the courts to return the claim paperwork to request more information or corrections. If you wish to speed up the process, avoid any filing mistakes.

Collect and organize evidence

Having collected and organized documents speed up the settlement process. Typically, the documentation includes police reports, medical bills, insurance bills, and all related records.

Be careful about your words

Be aware of what you say to the insurance company. Otherwise, they will take advantage of the opportunity and probably can use your words to delay the case.

Find the right car accident lawyer

If you actually need help in expediting the process, you should hire the best attorney. He can stand up with you to speed up the process and get a fair settlement.


After you have submitted the claim, the insurance adjuster will move on to assess the damage and other related processes. Your cooperation with the adjuster is the need of the hour to quickly settle a claim.

Go for Settlement Negotiation

 Settlement negotiation is a process that enables reaching an agreement outside of court and it involves the parties in a lawsuit. This is often considered as a much faster and less expensive choice by vehicle accident injury lawyers, rather than going to trial.

Be patient

Though it is normal to expect speeding up the case, sometimes cases may take time. Remember, you may be paying for medical bills, suffering from loss of income and other losses. If you are too hurried and impatient, it may end up in a lesser settlement amount. Your hurry can make the adjuster underestimate the losses undergone by you. So, besides expediting the process, you should also fight for the fair and deserved amount.

Hiring a seasoned car accident lawyer is the best available option to speed up the accident settlement claim. Talk to a skilled attorney and take the right steps to a speedy disbursal.

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