I Don't Have Insurance And I Hit A Car

I Dont Have Insurance And I Hit A Car

What To Do Next: I Dont Have Insurance And I Hit A Car?

The state of California has a legal requirement that all drivers should have valid car insurance to drive a motor vehicle. Car accidents happen every often in California and most drivers involved in the accident get recovery of financial assistance from the auto insurance provider or the insurance company of the other driver. However, if you are in the situation: I dont have insurance and I hit a car, what would be next?

If you were involved in an accident without insurance, the situation becomes complicated. Even if you have a skilled uninsured car accident lawyer along your side, you still have to face legal and financial consequences.

Compensation for scenario: I don’t have insurance and I hit a car

The recovery possibilities depend on the liability of the accident. If you are partially accountable for the car accident, you become liable for compensating the losses of the other driver involved in the accident. The situation may become quite difficult if you don’t have insurance. Being a comparative negligence state and using a fault-based system for car accident claims, California states that the person responsible for the accident is liable for the losses resulting from the accident.

Your level of fault involved in the accident will determine the percentage of liability. If you are at fault and you don’t have insurance, then you will become personally liable for the injuries or damages caused to the other driver.

At-fault accidents with no insurance

So, what’s the next action to proceed if ‘I hit a car and I don’t have insurance’ scenario? For situations where you have hit a car and possess insurance, your policy will cover the losses. However, as in your case, you don’t have insurance and caused an accident, you will be responsible for paying:

Medical expenses – If anyone on the other side is injured and you areat fault, you have to pay medical expenses.

Repair and replacement costs – If any damages resulted due to the accident, related to the vehicle or property, then you are liable for the expenses.

License suspension – Most states of California will suspend your licence for the crime of driving without insurance.

Legal fees – If you are not able to pay or if your uninsured motorist coverage lacks sufficient coverage, then the other driver can sue you for compensation.

Not-at-fault accidents without insurance

Are you wondering what ‘if you get into a car accident without insurance’? In a scenario where you get involved in an accident, but you are not at fault, it is still problematic.

Even if not at fault, being without insurance puts the person in a unique legal circumstance. You probably can claim compensation for the damages caused in the accident by the at-fault driver. However, as you are without auto insurance, you will be paying legal penalties and actions.

Can I still receive compensation when I was in a car accident without insurance?

Yes, even though you are uninsured, you still can pursue compensation from the other at-fault driver for the damages and injuries. You can file a third-party claim with the insurance company of the at-fault driver. We recommend hiring an uninsured accident attorney to navigate this process.

What happens if the other driver is also uninsured?

There are possibilities the other driver can be uninsured or underinsured. An underinsured means that the driver has insurance, but it lacks sufficient coverage limits to cover the overall damages of the accident.

If you have underinsured or uninsured coverage as a part of your auto insurance, you can file a claim through your insurance company, if you have found that you are not at fault and the other driver involved in the accident is uninsured or underinsured.

Penalties for Driving Without Insurance

Driving without insurance is an offence in California. If you are caught without insurance, you will face major consequences. As per California law, every driver is required to have a minimum of $15,000 in bodily injury liability per person and $30,000 for all parties covered in the accident. In addition, the state also requires at least $5,000 in property damage insurance.

Even if you are not the cause of the accident, you still have to face the consequences. Based on the state, you may have to pay a fine, or face licence suspension or any other penalties.

You will have to pay:

  • Around $450 for first-time offense
  •   Can be up to $2500 for the further offence

Your driving licence can be suspended by DMV, the Department of Motor Vehicles.

What are the consequences of the situation if I don’t have insurance and I hit a car?

Importance of car insurance in California

The major goal of auto insurance lies in financial responsibility. Car accidents in California can result in significant injuries, losses and property damage.  Having insurance helps in alleviating the damages incurred in the accident. Mandatory auto insurance California laws ensure that the drivers recover the damages they suffer from and thus protect themselves and the other drivers on the road.

The consequences of being uninsured, and driving without insurance in California are severe and they include the:

Legal penalties:

  • A fine ranging from $100 to $200 for the first time and $200 to $500 for the following offences.
  • Driving license can be suspended for up to four years.
  • You may experience vehicle impoundment and you have to pay for towing and storage fees to retrieve the vehicle.

Civil Liabilities

  • If you are at fault for the accident and you don’t have insurance, then you have to pay for the losses for the other driver from your pocket. This would cover medical expenses, vehicle repairs and other property damage.
  • Even if you are not at fault, you are not eligible to claim for your non-economic damages such as pain and suffering.

 Increased Insurance Rates

Even if you get the insurance after driving without insurance, your insurance rates will probably be higher as you have violated the rules. You may also have to file an SR-22 form that demonstrates your financial responsibility to the DMV. This would add to your insurance rates.

Optional coverage that helps drivers in California

I have no insurance and I hit a car – Is that the scenario you are in? Not having cues on what to do when the other driver is also uninsured? Uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD) can help you.

If you have found the fault is with the other driver, but he is uninsured or underinsured, still you can recover compensation. Here is how:

File a Claim

You can file a claim under UM/UIM coverage that includes all the essentials of the accident and other driver information.

What are the legal actions that can be taken by the other party, if the circumstance is ‘I got into a car accident without insurance’?

If you are an at-fault driver, then the other driver can pursue a lawsuit for compensation to recover from the losses that happened in the accident.

  • The other driver can file a civil lawsuit against you for seeking compensation.
  • He/she can claim for the damages that have occurred due to the collision.
  • If the judgment awards the other driver, then you have to fulfil the financial obligation as enforced in the judgment.
  • If you can’t comply with the court judgement, then the other party can seek wage garnishment.

How to resolve the situation?

If you drive without insurance and you are buzzed about ‘I don’t have insurance and I hit a car’, what can happen next depends on which state you belong to. Different states in California will have their various coverage requirements and insurance laws.

In the event, that you hit a car and you are uninsured, explain this to the other driver and the police once they arrive at the spot. Next, you should document the scene, gather evidence for any injuries or damage to your vehicle and also note if any damage was caused to the other party.

Though being uninsured you will have to pay penalties, still, fault will be determined and the person actually accountable for the accident will be found out. Irrespective of no insurance, you must document the scene and be clear about what has happened and what led to the collision.

If you belong to a no-fault state, then the compensation is recovered by the insurance of the driver, no matter who has hit the car. But remember, no-fault states prevent injured parties from filing a lawsuit against the uninsured driver.

Immediate Coverage – Certain insurance companies provide immediate coverage. This allows persons to get insurance immediately after the accident. However, this insurance will cover only future accidents, not the existing collision.

Non-Standard Insurance – Non-standard or high-risk insurance is useful for individuals who have a history of lapses in coverage.

Legal Consultation – Getting legal consultation from a skilled attorney can help you navigate the situation. Explain your situation – I don’t have insurance and I hit a car, he will look into the possible options.

Negotiating Settlements – If legal action has been initiated, try negotiating a fair settlement. This will avoid any legal battles and come to a mutual resolution.

If you get into an accident without insurance, you should get legal guidance from a lawyer. He can deal with all the aspects and meanwhile, you can recover from the accident. If you are not at fault and you have faced losses, then the lawyer can legally represent you and get compensation for you.

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